
Posted by sp4rk on November 3, 2017


mysql> select * from users where user_id=1;
| user_id | user | password   |
|       1 | test | zheshimima |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from users where user_id=1 and linestring(user_id);
ERROR 1367 (22007): Illegal non geometric '`test`.`users`.`user_id`' value found during parsing

mysql> select * from users where user_id=1 and polygon(user_id);
ERROR 1367 (22007): Illegal non geometric '`test`.`users`.`user_id`' value found during parsing

mysql> select * from users where user_id=1 and GeometryCollection(user_id);
ERROR 1367 (22007): Illegal non geometric '`test`.`users`.`user_id`' value found during parsing

mysql> select * from users where user_id=1 and multipoint(user_id);
ERROR 1367 (22007): Illegal non geometric '`test`.`users`.`user_id`' value found during parsing

我这里本地测试发现下面这四个函数可以使用 linestring() polygon() geometrycolection() multipoint() 从官方文档中可以发现这些函数都是对空间几何值进行操作,当出现非法的非几何值就会报错,可以直接爆所在数据库名,表名